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Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Today in Maths, we were learning about time.  We learnt that the long hand is the minute hand and it takes one hour to go around the clock.  The short hand is called the hour hand.  It takes one hour to go from one number the next.

We made ourselves into a human clock.  We used kids as the numbers and kids as the hands.  Can you see what time it is?

You can help us at home, by getting us to read the time off the TV or the microwave.  We would like to learn both digital and analogue time.


On Tuesday Piako 2 held their Market Day.  We invited Piako 1 to our come and buy from our stalls.  We sold things like stress-balls, pet mice, pet clouds, the floating ball game, pet rocks and pencils and pencil holders.  

We raised an astonishing amount of money...


We are donating the money to Ronald McDonald House Charities NZ.

Thanks to everyone who helped us with our Market Day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


In Maths today we talked about Fast and Slow tasks.  We found out that some things take ages to do and others hardly take any time at all!

We had a few challenges to do.  We had to decide if they were fast or slow challenges.  Here's a photo of Nicole being challenged to write her name.  We decided it would a fast challenge.  We were right!


Miss Crowther taught Piako 2 all about Social Responsibility today.  That's when individual people of business do something good to help others.  It got us WONDERING ... what could we do to help others.  We came up with a few suggestions but we decided we would go home and have a think and a talk with our families about we should do with the Market Day profit. 

Please can you help us at home try and decide what good cause we could help.

Making an advertising poster


Today Mrs Lunn set up a production line for us to make the pet rocks and the stress balls.  We took turns at who was manufacturing the products so it didn't interfere with our learning.  Cameron decided that making stress balls was a great way to learn patience ;-)

Macy blowing up a balloon for the stessballs

The girls enjoying their work!

Monday, September 14, 2015


Mrs Lunn is testing our Strategy Knowledge over the next couple of days.  She was SUPER impressed to find that SIX people that she tested had leveled up! 
Congratulations to Lucas, Zak, Stevie, Leah, Naomi and Paige.  
Look how proud they are!

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Today we classified events that happen during the day.  The day is divided into the morning, afternoon, evening and night.  We noticed that we are super busy in the morning and really only brush our teeth and sleep at night!


We had a blast on Friday at the Animal Party. Max and Cliquot came and did tricks.  There were balloon animals, jokes and dancing.  Our school even made it into the news!

Click this link to see:


Over the next two weeks half of our Maths Sessions will focus on the Measurement Stand of the Maths Curriculum.  We will be looking at Time and Temperature.  We will be learning the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.  We will learn how to tell the time using analogue clocks initially and depending on how flash we are, we might even learn to tell digital time.

You can help us at home by making us aware of what time it is, what time we need to leave to come to school, when is tea time etc.  You might like to tell us how long we have to get ready, or eat our tea.  Putting the timer on the microwave to countdown while we do something helps us realise how long ten minutes is for example.

In the other half of our lessons, we will continue to do our Strategy and Knowledge workshops with the teachers.  In Strategy we are still focusing on Multiplication and Division and for Knowledge this week we are looking at Grouping and Place Value (ie How many tens are there in 30)

Thanks for helping us in our learning journey - our teachers really appreciated it!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


We have been busy learning all about multiplication and division over the last week.  We are thrilled to announce Kalas has leveled up a Maths Strategy Stage in Mult/Div and Macy was awarded a certificate from Miss Crowther for always challenging herself.  She loves doing tricky maths equations!  Great job kids, we are super proud of you both.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Pounamu Atawhai have invited us to attend their Animal Party on Friday the 11th of September from 10-11am.  They are collecting for the SPCA as part of their Inquiry for the term.

All we need to do to attend, is remember to bring along any of the following:

  • Pet Food
  • Old Blankets
  • Animal Toys
  • Cleaning Products

We have to take our donations to the office between 8.30 and 9am any day this week.

Please can you help us support a worthy cause.

Monday, September 7, 2015


An important part of any company is to have a Brand Name that is recognisable.  Mrs Lunn made us a slide show of logos belonging to different companies.  Our job was to identify which company it represented and to say what that company sells.  Our teachers were NOT surprised to see that we all recognised Cadbury, McDonalds and Dominos.  We had some strict success criteria to help guide us to be able to design our own company logo.  We also had to think of a name for our company.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Over the next couple of weeks we are focusing on Multiplication and we are loving it!  Mrs Lunn is taking us for workshops focusing on skip counting to solve multiplication problems and we are learning to use arrays too. 

You can help us at home by getting us to skip count in 2s, 5s and 10s.  We should know our doubles as 4+4 and we should know that that's the same as 2×4.  Once we are flash at that,  we could try skip counting in 3s and 4s!

Miss Crowther is taking the knowledge workshops at the moment.   We are learning about Fractions!  We need to recognize the symbol for half and quarter and be able to tell you what half of a shape looks like.

At home,  you could get us to cut out pictures or shapes and get us to cut them in half.   You could give us a group of something (maybe crackers) and ask us the split the group in half (so we have half each).  You could ask us if we'd like our apple cut in quarters or halves.

Thanks for helping us!


Today we were talking about the roles people play in the economy.  We learnt about producers,  retailers and consumers.   We found out that producers MAKE the products,  retailers SELL the products and consumers BUY the products.

When we make our Market Day products,  we are producers.  When we sell our products we will be retailers and when we buy products at Market Day we will be consumers.   We think it's pretty cool we get experience the different types of economic roles.